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Business & Mindset Coaching

Transforming Vision into Success


You're here because you are so ready to make significant  gains in your coaching business.  You're tired of buying courses that get you no where, your tired of trying to figure it out on your own.  You're ready to turn your ideas and passion into a real coaching business.  I'm so ready to help you turn your vision into success! Let's chat


Reaching Your Goals with

Transformational Coaching

Empowering you throughout your journey in creating your coaching business.  Some of the biggest obstacles for coaches is the old thoughts and patterns that keep you from feeling worthy enough to dream big and share your gifts with the world.  Gain clarity of niche, create your signature program and pricing, create your website with systems & strategies in place and work on your limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, money blocks and worthiness together.  Create true alignment and true success! 

True Alignment

Business Coaching

For those truly ready to put in the work.  These are very interactive coaching sessions to create and build out your coaching business. 

  • Includes Mindset Coaching
  • Option to build your website & online presence.

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True Alignment 

Mindset Coaching

To connect with and process through old wounds, traumas, and limiting beliefs. Work through money blocks, self-sabotage, worthiness, stress and more holding you back from success in life & business.

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Coach with Confidence

Group Coaching

Taking you from idea to launch in a group monthly membership setting.  Access to our complete program with 70+ video tutorials and weekly live coaching and Q&A sessions.

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True Alignment  Coaching

... enjoy the powerful possibilities

This is a program that gives you the entire process and teaches you how to create your business.  More importantly, it offers you the mindset rewire that  helps you process through mental and emotional patterns that prevent you from moving forward when it's your turn to shine.

Bonus: It offers skill enhancement courses that will empower & enhance your growth in all areas.

Give yourself the gift of aligning the inner you with your passion and desire to create and serve others authentically, from your true inner self.

The Struggles of An Entrepreneur Are Real!

I know, I've been in your shoes.

The Pain

You're full of ideas for your coaching programs, but you're stuck. You don't know where to start. Your not sure who your ideal client is or if you want to niche your business. Imposter syndrome is whispering in your ear. Going live on social media is terrifying. And the tech issues have you fighting an uphill battle.

The Procrastination

The more time you spend trying to figure this out on your own, the more frustrating and overwhelming it becomes. Overwhelm leads to procrastination and results in wasted time, energy and money. Imposter syndrome and fear are holding you back, keeping your voice unheard. And the thought of putting yourself out there is a fear that is real and not doing it keeps you in your comfort zone.

Creating Your Online Presence with...


Website Platform

An All-Inclusive platform with a DIY or a DFY option with access to our very own video tutorial library that walks you through a step-by-step process.  Platform includes funnels, email templates and automations, scheduler, internal CRM(contacts) system, quizzes, forms, and drag & drop.

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Working Together You Will...

Become Tech Savvy

You will learn and become confident in the basic technology you need to create and run your business.

Learn to Commit 

And hold yourself accountable to your vision and goals, stay on your path, and share your gifts with the world.

Become Confident

In the work you do, the value you offer, your skill level, your marketing and making offers.

Work Through The Struggles Of The Mind...

Mindset Rewiring

Using multiple modalities to process through old wounds, shift your energy and thinking to enhance your life.

Letting Go Processing

Learning techniques to 'let go' of old patterns and triggers halting your success in every area of your life.

Self-Care Practices

Learn to implement healthy habits that support your growth while enhancing your skills to use in your own coaching.

"As a beacon in the world of health and wellness, my journey has always been about mentoring passionate women. I'm on a purposeful mission to empower female entrepreneurs, to step out with confidence and share their valuable gifts with the world.

I believe, unshakably, in my ability and in yours - to create, to thrive, and to transform aspirations into successful, profitable businesses. This isn't just about financial success; it's about crafting an independent life that's authentically yours.

Working Together for Aligned Success

What Others Are Saying

From the moment I engaged with Lisa, I knew I had found the right business coach to help me. Beyond guiding me in creating my website, she became a light through a maze of uncertainties. Her support extended far beyond technical aspects; she was a pillar of strength, gently nudging me past my self-doubts and fears. Her patience knew no bounds and she generously shared her time and offered advice and help in any area of confusion I faced.  What truly sets her apart is her genuine encouragement. She didn’t just share knowledge, she always helped me push past obstacles.  . Her belief in my potential showed in her support as she always urged me to trust and step into my capabilities. Working with Lisa has been truly transformative. 

Anne Marie Otting, Somatic Trauma Release Coach, Calm Within        www.annemarieotting.com             


I found myself dragging my feet and procrastinating on taking action. I told myself I was unmotivated, and maybe even lazy, but it turns out I was severely lacking confidence and it was holding me back from moving my business forward. I was also struggling to understand the basics of building a website and marketing my business on social media.  The program is rich with information, but because it is broken down into bite size pieces, it is easily digestible. Best part is -- you can go at your own pace! Equipbuilder is very user friendly and FUN to use! Everything that you will ever need is built right in to the platform which is not only convenient, but also a huge money saver for new and experienced coaches! The program is logical, step by step, and easy to follow. Everything that you need to get started is right there and unlike other programs, Lisa is always available to answer your questions and provide support. With this more powerful positioning I feel ready to take on even bigger goals like creating a course.  If you are hesitating to get started, or don't know where to start, join a Coach with Confidence program today! You will have all the support you need and more. You will absolutely not regret it!

Amanda Guyette

MBA, MSN, RN, NC-BC Holistic Wellness Coach



Carita Stenfors-Berglund, Menopause Coach www.firststephealthcoaching.com

I joined Lisa’s mastery coaching program so I could have 1:1 coaching and guidance on setting up a web-site for my coaching business. Lisa has lots of patience because she wants to teach you ‘how’ to do the things that help you run your business.

As we built out my website, I learned how to maneuver all the working parts and am proud that. I see myself using technology to a larger capacity in promoting my coaching business and being able to personalize it as needed.

I continue in the group coaching program and would tell others to embrace and learn as much as they can from the program so they can prepare for coaching. There was also good discussion in the group about how to get more confidence with coaching.

Robbie Cortez

Lisa's Coaching program is very informative and is a step in the right direction for someone who wants to know how to start their coaching business. Lisa is kind, very supportive and understanding on the trials of staring a new business and she will keep you motivated to stepping forward!

Judy Hook

Lisa has a wonderful Money Mindset Masterclass. Her coaching abilities and insight are invaluable in guiding you through this program. I would recommend Lisa and her program to anyone who is looking to find value and purpose.


Kristina Nelson

Lisa is a fantastic resource for new business owners especially IIN graduates. She has a very thorough course to work through at your own pace which helps you jump into starting your business from the ground up. Lisa is knowledgeable, kind, driven and willing to help you on entrepreneurial path!

Danielle Barris

I had the pleasure of working with Lisa Ciotto, an exceptional business coach, who played a pivotal role in helping me build my website. From start to finish, her guidance, expertise, and support were instrumental in creating a website that exceeded my expectations. I am thrilled to share my experience and gratitude for her invaluable assistance.


Are you ready to get serious about your coaching business?

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I'll send out a weekly newsletter with a wrap up of the week, book recommendations, upcoming podcasts, new tools, and more.  Sometimes, I also share my successes and failures in hopes they will help you on your own journey.

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